Halloween Restrictions for Sex Offenders

Cindy CastilloSex Crime, Arizona Law, AZ Events

As can be read in our previous articles about sex crimes in Arizona, Arizona is one of the strictest states when it comes to sex offenses. Sex offenders who are released on probation and/or who have sex offender terms will have restrictions on Halloween night.

Common restrictions for sex offenders on Halloween night

May include but are not limited to the following:

  • No passing out candy
  • No driving after dark
  • No wearing costumes or masks
  • No visiting haunted houses or mazes
  • No visiting any location primarily used by children

While these rules are comforting for parents on Halloween, many people on sex offender probation or sex offender registries are not aware of these rules and/or don’t think about them until after they’ve been violated by their probation officer or arrested by police. Halloween is without a doubt a scary time for those with children because of the dangers of trick-or-treating.

Therefore, for those that are on probation for sex related convictions or who are listed on a sex offender registry, it is important that these rules are followed strictly. Any misconduct on Halloween night could lead to a probation violation and even a revocation of probation. If you are unsure of the requirements of your probation, contact you Probation officer immediately. If you would like to modify or terminate the terms of your probation, contact an experienced attorney to talk about this option.

Castillo Law and Sex Crimes

In Arizona Sex Crimes are punished harshly and require competent representation. At Castillo Law we are very successful defending sex crime cases for a variety of charges. You can learn more about sex crimes in AZ at our page on Sex Crimes in AZ. If you or a loved one are facing charges related to a sex crime give us a call for a free consultation anytime at (480) 206-5204.

Castillo Law and Probation Modifications

At Castillo Law we have a strong track record of working with clients to help modify their probation. There are many factors that are considered with requesting modifications to probation and we make sure to explore everyone of them with our clients. If you or a loved one is currently on probation and you have questions about requesting a modification please give us a call at (480) 206-5204 anytime.