State v. Mr. DL (2017)- DUI Drugs Reduced to Reckless Driving

Cindy CastilloDrugs, DUI, Case Successes

State v. Mr. DL (2017)
Practice Area: Criminal Law/ DUI
Date: March 30, 2017
Description: Chandler Municipal Court: DL was alleged to have committed a first time regular DUI by Drugs (specifically marijuana), after being stopped by Chandler Police after an alleged traffic violation. If found guilty, DL would have been required to serve jail time, install an ignition interlock device, complete alcohol  classes, and pay a fine. Our attorneys were able to convince the prosecutor to allow DL to participate in the Veteran’s Court program which facilitated a reduced plea offer to Reckless Driving. This prevented DL from having a DUI on his record, avoid jail time, and pay the costly mandatory DUI fines and fees.

Results depend upon factors unique to each case. Results in one case do not predict results in another case.