DUI Lawyer in Phoenix AZ

Extreme DUI in Arizona Dismissed 2012

Cindy CastilloDUI, Case Successes

State v. Mr. D. (2012)

Practice Area: DUI / DWI

Date: September 8, 2011

Outcome: Extreme DUI Dismissal

Description: Extreme BAC

Dismissal / DUI Arizona – State v. Mr. D. (Phoenix Municipal Case No M-0741-4300377): Mr. D. was dining with his attorney friend when he exited the parking lot and accelerated rapidly.  Officers executed a traffic stop and conducted field sobriety tests.  Mr. D. was subsequently arrested and Mr. D.’s attorney friend asked to accompany Mr. D. to the station.  Officers declined his attorney’s request but offered Mr. D. a phone to call a local attorney once he was at the station.  After Ms. Castillo demonstrated through interviews that the officers had violated Mr. D.’s right to counsel, the State agreed to dismiss all charges.