Drug Dismissal 2011

Cindy CastilloDrugs, Case Successes

State v. Ms. M. (2011)

Practice Area:  Criminal Defense

Date:  January 21, 2011

Outcome: Drug Case Dismissed with Prejudice

Description:  Dismissed / Dangerous Drug Violation / Misconduct Involving Weapons /Drug Paraphernalia / Marijuana – State v. Ms. M. (Maricopa County Superior Court Case No. S-0700-CR-2004014824):  Ms. M. was indicted after her husband and roommates were charged for selling drugs out of their rental house and a warrant was executed on the house.  Ms. M. had no knowledge of the indictment and though she attended most of the court appearances and visited her husband in prison, the State failed to execute on the warrant.  Approximately six years later, after Ms. M. had completed college, Ms. M. was applying for a professional license and found that she had pending charges against her.  After Ms. M.’s case was set to trial, Ms. Castillo filed a motion to dismiss for post-indictment delay.  Ms. M.’s case was dismissed by the Judge with prejudice.